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Sally Golden Boy

Sally Golden Boy


Director: Stefan Sternad, Camera: Stefan Sternad


Production: Studio West Independent Film


Documentary film: 20 min./2017



Sally Golden Boy is actually a stage name, behind which hides Saliah Razak from Ghana. Sally has lived in Salzburg since 1991.



He is known to Salzburg residents as a busdriver on route 2.

As the first black Bus driver in Salzburg, he enlivens the mostly dreary Salzburg city centre traffic with his usual humour and positive attitude: "Europeans have a clock, we Africans have time".



It is not easy for black migrants to be accepted as full members of society in our part of the world. It's different with Sally. His optimism quickly spreads to those around him and gives the African community a lot of self-confidence.



He is also a "multitasker". As a sportsman, for example, he is active in the integration football world cup organised by "Sport speaks all languages". He is always involved in the annual African Luge Championships in Rauris as a drummer, singer, entertainer and racer.

His ironic motto: "Who is afraid of the black man? Nobody".



He plays in a drumming group, organises workshops and is a band member in an Afro ensemble with Austrian influences. At the Alter Markt, he sells mulled wine for his Sorinatu school project in Ghana.

Sorinatu means: "Get up and fly!" Under this motto, Sally, representing the Sorinatu association as chairman, has set himself the goal of not letting any more children live on the streets, to look after them lovingly and caringly and to give them a chance of schooling and vocational training. He spends his holidays working on his project in Ghana.


Er spielt in einer Trommler-Gruppe, veranstaltet Workshops und ist Bandmitglied in einem Afro - Ensemble mit österreichischen Einsprengseln. Am Alten Markt verkauft er Glühwein für sein Schulprojekt Sorinatu in Ghana.

SoriNaTu heißt: „Steh' auf und flieg!“ Unter diesem Leitsatz hat sich Sally, stellvertretend für den Verein Sorinatu als Obmann, das Ziel gesetzt, keine Kinder mehr auf der Straße leben zu lassen, sie liebevoll und fürsorglich zu behüten und ihnen eine Chance auf Schul- und Berufsausbildung zu geben. Seinen Urlaub verbringt er bei seiner Projektarbeit in Ghana.

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